My Brother–My Link to the World

My Brother–My Link to the World

All my life I have greatly relied on one important person to help me engage with the hearing world. Over the years different people filled this role; my younger brother, a best friend, a boyfriend, my first husband, and now my current husband. They helped me connect...
The Hidden Struggle of Lipreading and Masks

The Hidden Struggle of Lipreading and Masks

One secondary impact of our Covid pandemic that affects me and so many others with hearing loss, but something that most people are quite unaware of, is the wearing of masks. I am very dependent on lipreading and visual cues despite the amplification provided by my...


Not yet knowing what it was to hear and speak, I had no idea what I’d been missing, that other people experienced the world differently. As a little girl with a severe hearing loss, I felt completely at home in my world defined by visual communication and other...